德州仪器 TPL5x10 毫微功耗系统定时器是低功耗计时器,具有一个看门狗(TPL5010) 或集成式 MOSFET 驱动器(TPL5110),是周期循环或电池供电应用的理想之选。电流消耗仅为 35nA 的 TPL5x10 具有节约功耗的特性,因而能够使用容量极低的电池,这使其非常适用于能量采集或无线传感应用。每一器件均提供 100ms 至 7200s 的可选时间间隔,专为中断驱动型应用而设计。
TI TPL5010 provides selectable timing intervals from 100ms to 7200s and_is designed for interrupt-driven applications. Some standards (such as EN50271) require implementation of a watchdog for safety and_the TPL5010 realizes this watchdog function at almost no additional power consumption. The TPL5010-Q1 devices are AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications.
_Supply voltage from 1.8V to 5.5V
_Current consumption at 2.5V 35nA (typ)
_Selectable time intervals 100ms to 7200s
_Timer accuracy 1%_(typ)
_Resistor selectable time interval
_Watchdog functionality
_Manual reset
_Battery-powered systems
_Internet of Things (IoT)
_Intruder detection
_Tamper Ddetection
_Home automation sensors
_Consumer Eelectronics
_Remote sensors
_White goods
TPL5x10 毫微功耗系统定时器
TPL5x10 毫微功耗系统定时器